The tasks and responsibilities are distributed among the consortium partners according to their expertise and competences; the main structuring factor is involvement in work on the Intellectual Outputs (IOs). Each IO is led by one of the project partners, who will coordinate all involved partners to produce the final output. All partners are actively involved into IO development.
Structure of L4H project
The 1st stage 2018-2019 is devoted to the design of educational module “Interior Lighting for Domestic Spaces”
The 2nd stage 2019-2020 is devoted to the design of educational module “Lighting for Working/Educational Environments”
The 3rd stage 2020-2021 is devoted to the design of educational module “Lighting for Healthcare Environments”
The result is integration of three educational modules into one course, setting up the course on the virtual lab platform L4H

UoW is leading:
O1. Design of Module 1 “Interior Lighting for Domestic Spaces”
C1. Summer School “Interior Lighting for Domestic Spaces” in the UK (related to O1)
E3. Workshop “Lighting for Healthcare Environments” in the UK (related to O3)
M1. Kick-off transnational project meeting in the UK
M3. Module 1 finalisation transnational project meeting in the UK
AAU is leading:
O3. Design of Module 3 “Lighting for Healthcare Environments”
O5. Virtual Lab Platform LIGHT4HEALTH
C3. Summer School “Lighting for Healthcare Environments” in Denmark (related to O3)
M4. Module 2 development transnational project meeting in Denmark
M7. Module 3 finalisation transnational project meeting in Denmark
HSW is leading:
O2. Design of Module 2 “Lighting for Working / Educational Environments”
C2. Summer School “Lighting for Working / Educational Environments” in Germany (related to O2)
E2. Workshop “Healthy Lighting for Working Environments” in Germany (related to O2)
M5. Module 2 finalisation transnational project meeting in Germany
M6. Module 3 development transnational project meeting in Germany
KTH is leading:
O4. Course “Health Research for Lighting Design”
E4. Final workshop “Health Research for Lighting Design” in Sweden (related to O4)
M2. Module 1 development transnational project meeting in Sweden
M8. Final transnational project meeting in Sweden
ITMO is leading:
O6. Video Collection for the Virtual Platform filmed during Summer Schools
E1. Workshop and exhibition “Healthy Lighting for Domestic Spaces” in Italy (related to O1). The venue for this event will be provided by an Associated Partner from Italy – IUAV University of Venice.
ITMO will also be responsible for the coordination of overall communication and dissemination strategies. It will coordinate Europe-wide dissemination activities, monitor partners’ national dissemination activities and liaise with partners to develop contents for the project’s online presence. It will provide guidance for the multiplier events. ITMO will organise the first international multiplier event during the opening week of the International Architecture Biennale in Venice in 2020. HSW will co-locate one international multiplier event with its Light Symposium Wismar. UoW will organize one national multiplier event in the UK, co-located with UoW’s Co-Curriculum Week. KTH will organize a final international multiplier event in Sweden (with support from all partners).
Partner TJU is a US-based university, which is new to the consortium and relatively new to European funding, so it has not been allocated leadership of any components, even though its expertise is essential for the success of all IOs and teaching/learning activities (C1-3). Each partner will coordinate its activities through a local project manager, responsible for technical and financial reporting to the coordinator. UoW will be responsible for overall project management, organizing and hosting the kick-off meeting and the first Summer School. UoW will maintain regular contact with the UK National Agency. It will carry out overall financial management and reporting to the National Agency, including interim and final reporting.